Join us at our 2023 Conference and Capitol Day!

There are a lot of important topics that impact ASCs this year in Texas. To name a few:
  • THCIC and Reporting including ASCs access to data
  • Itemized Billing – What does this mean for your operation?
  • Workplace Violence 
  • SB 809 and other similar reporting, is this necessary for ASCs?
  • Bundled Pricing
  • Budget and Policy: Workforce Issues such as nurses, etc.
  • Smoke evacuation systems. Do you need it and what does it involve? 
On Wednesday, March 8th, ASCs will go to the Capitol to discuss these bills with Legislators. Those in office making and voting on these laws need to hear from You on how their decisions directly impact our industry. 
Join us on March 8th to advocate for ASCs in Texas
Registration is part of the TASCS Annual Conference but if you'd like to support without attending the conference, let us know!




Read about 2021 Capitol Day's success on our blog. 


Gavel to Gavel, a weekly newsletter produced by our lobby team, Congress Avenue Partners, highlights important bills that relate to ASCs. Be on the lookout for bills to come soon!

Sign up for weekly Gavel to Gavel updates here.