Join the Texas Ambulatory Surgery Center Society

The Texas ASC Society is the only organization dedicated to the representation of Texas surgery centers. Members allow the society to provide legislative and regulatory advocacy and valuable resources that allow Texas surgery centers to stay competitive and deliver high-quality, cost-effective care.
Facility Membership Benefits:
Be Informed
- Stay up on trends and announcements for the industry through Monthly and Quarterly compliance reminders and through the TASCS Center Beat Newsletter.
- Follow the TASCS Blog for insight into relevant content and the Event Calendar for timely educational opportunities.
- Join the Annual Conference for extended education to improve the value of your centers and employees. Free for members!
- Attend the Survey Readiness Workshop to learn how you can master your surveys.
- Brush up on Billing/ Coding and other Business Management best practices. TBA.
- Host a Tour and Networking event at your center to showcase your value to the ASC community.
- Receive targeted education in the Virtual Town Halls.
- Learn the best practices for Infection Control at the Infection Prevention Seminar.
- Follow TASCS on your preferred social channel for live updates.
- Find collaborative vendors offering services you need to efficiently run your business on the TASCS website vendor search.
Be Found
- Members' ASCs can be found in our website directory. Ensure you're updating your profile and including all important information such as website, specialties, accreditations, logos, and contacts so that patients and doctors can find your facility.
- Attend local networking events to collaborate with industry peers.
Be Heard
- Collaborate with your industry peers on the members-only forum.
- TASCS has a strong lobby team and supportive PAC to advocate for all ASC priorities in Texas including protecting ASCs in public health emergencies and natural disasters and working with Texas’ health plans on how to lower health care costs.
- We would love to feature you on the TASCS Blog through a Membership Monday post. A few questions that will help us get to know you better are all that's required. Reach out to us for this opportunity.
Be Involved
- Getting involved with TASCS is essential in the success of professional development, helps create valuable partnerships, and is the best path to progression in the ASC industry. Join a Committee.
- Earn CASC Credit through various educational opportunities.
- Find and post careers on the TASCS Career Center.
- Interested in collaborating further with TASCS? We are always looking for speakers, blog post contributors, quotes, and ideas. Email [email protected] to discuss.
Professional Membership Benefits:
- Illustrate your partnership within the ASC industry and publicize your acclaim amongst your peers
- Strategically showcase your products and services to the ASC market
- Gain access to the physicians, administrators, owners, materials managers, nursing directors, and billing staff at ASCs of all types and sizes
- Reach key decision-makers at ASCs across Texas
- Stay in front of your current and future customers year-round
- Subscription to TASCS Center Beat Newsletter and industry alerts that keep vendors aware of issues that are important to prospective customers, as well as a vendor highlight and logo within the newsletters
- Showcase your industry experts at the virtual town halls or receive an invitation for a conference speaking opportunity
- Intimate Opportunities to gain access to key decision makers
- Exhibiting (and more!) at the TASCS conference
- Access to members-only forum to address topics that are important to ASCs.
- Increased visibility for digital ad tracking and building your referral network
- Visibility in the TASCS website vendor search
Join now to ensure that you can receive benefits immediately!
Dues to the Society are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution but may be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. A portion of dues, however, is not tax deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense, to the extent that the Society engages in lobbying. The non- deductible portion of your 2025 dues is 25%.
